1505 W 1st Ave, STE A. Broomfield, CO 80020
Mon-Wed: 10am - 5 | Thur-Fri: 11am - 6pm | Sat: 11am - 5pm
MusicNomad Precision Action Gauge
MusicNomad Precision Action Gauge
Accurate Measurements that are Easy to Read with our Innovative Black Finish Contrasted with Deep Etched White Markings
We Include Measurements in Inches, Metric & 64ths to Customize to Your Preference
Our Convenient Chart on Proper Height by Instrument Type & Measurement Instructions Takes out the Guesswork. The Pickup Ruler Helps you Dial in Your Sound Even More.
High Quality Stainless Steel Design with Smooth Edges Combined with Numbers & Lines that don’t Rub Off Ensures Years of Use
Bonus Feature: Find the Side that Lays Across 3 Frets and use as a Fret Rocker to Check if You have any Uneven Fret Heights